
We need your support to continue our mission. Help us bring empowerment and sustainability to deprived communities in Ghana. Help us make our vision of an empowered, sustainable, and egalitarian Africa a reality!

Any size donation is helpful! Even a small amount can help bring much needed services and programs to communities around Ghana and the rest of Africa.

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To contact us, or to arrange a custom donation, please email us.

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Going by the current price index on the market (Updated 2023)

  • $30 of food should be able to feed 10 to 13 kids for an event.

  • $30 of rice will feed 14 - 15 kids.

  • $30 of bread and pasta will feed 12 to 17 kids.

  • $30 of certain types of affordable fruits can feed 10 to 15 kids.

  • $20 of water will cater up to 25 kids.

Mosquito nets, malaria vaccination, vaccines like polio or any other applicable for their health needs will be a plus.

See current news that relates to our mission, as well as regular updates about our current projects!